YC&E and Yale Housing Staff Attend Conferences in New Orleans, Dallas, and Columbus

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Where in the world is YC&E? Although autumn is a busy time on campus, a few members of our team were able to step away and attend conferences all over the United States in October and November to dive deeper into venue marketing, staff management, and business operations! 

Emily Roback, Senior Program Director & Venue Lead, and Sam Iucci, Program Manager, attended the Unique Venues Annual Marketing Conference, held in New Orleans, LA on November 11th and 12th. The conference featured presentations on branding, attracting top talent, developing cutting edge marketing resources, and more! This new knowledge will prove invaluable as we continue to develop our venue management strategies for the Greenberg Conference Center and Kline 14.  

Unique Venues

Kelly Vailette, Program Operations Director, headed down south to Dallas, TX, to attend the ACCED-I Educational Forum. Held on November 2nd and 3rd, this conference, geared toward higher education event professionals, delved into staff management, recruitment, and retention. Attendees learned about innovative ideas for both professional and student staff management by attending presentations on best practices from recruitment to retention, engaging in facilitated interactions, and sharing knowledge between institutions.  


Summer is just around the corner, and Yale Housing’s Residential Operations Manager, David Wright, is one step ahead of the game! David attended the ACUHO-I Business Operations Conference in Columbus, OH, from October 2nd – 5th. Geared toward operations professionals, this conference focused on topics such as assignments and occupancy, information technology, dining, and business administration. Attendees explored new and best practices through curated, innovative presentations and demonstrations. David served on the ACUHO-I Conference Planning Committee and was Co-Chair of their Marketing Awards.   

Group Photo

These conferences served as an inspiring and revitalizing experience for the attending event professionals. We can’t wait to hear more about them from our staff, and apply the invaluable insights gained from these conferences to our day-to-day operations at YC&E and Yale Housing!