Yale Cyber Leadership Forum
Event Type:
Virtual Event
Event Description:
The Yale Cyber Leadership Forum focuses on bridging the divide between law, technology and business in cybersecurity, exposing participants to effective approaches to recognizing, preparing for, preventing, and responding to cyber threats. The Forum brings together a diverse set of thought leaders, including practitioners from leading law firms, cybersecurity technology experts, policy experts and academics working at the cutting edge of cybersecurity. The 2021 Forum, “Bridging the Divide: Sovereignty in Cyberspace?”, was a seven-part series of virtual discussions exploring how state and non-state actors increasingly use cyberspace to influence and interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries and their citizens.
Thursday, February 4, 2021 to Thursday, April 29, 2021
The Yale Law School’s Center for Global Legal Challenges and the Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Point of Contact:
Edward Wittenstein
YC&E Project Lead:
Jennifer Zuccaro
Scope of Work:
Created, designed and managed online registration
• Weekly meetings with clients to share ideas on how to run the conference, provide insight on how the Zoom platform operates
• Day of management – provided a run of show for each day detailing minute by minute what needed to happen on the backend for the conference to run smoothly.
o Screen sharing
o Communication with speakers
o Managing the chat
o Welcoming people in from the waiting room
o Muting/unmuting
o Handling any technical questions
o Recording all sessions
• Editing and closed captioning of event
• Attendee communication
o Provided zoom link, calendar invites, and scope of work for the conference
• Coordinated with YC&E marketing director on an extensive marketing effort including targeted emails, social media content, graphic design, and website management.