A message from YC&E’s Executive Director, Suzanne Shaw
We at Yale Conferences & Events hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. Over the last couple of months, we have all been closely watching the immense impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the world. Our personal and professional lives have been upended and we’ve had to adjust to a “new normal”.
The pandemic has challenged meeting and event organizers to find innovative new ways to bring people together safely during this period of quarantine and social distancing. Many organizers are pivoting to virtual events instead of cancelling or postponing them. And while the value of in-person meetings will never go away, there are silver linings with pivoting to virtual and hybrid meetings as there can be a broader reach and it can be more affordable for some. New event design options, tools, previously untapped services and creative solutions can now be added to leverage our traditional way of hosting and managing events and programs for the future.
YC&E staff have been busy mastering the art of planning and executing virtual events so that we can continue to provide our clients with stellar service. Recently we helped a client transform an in-person summer course to a virtual event by supporting their marketing and registration needs. We are excited to continue learning everything there is to know about virtual events and using this knowledge to help guide our clients through these challenging times.
In addition to our own personal and professional worlds, the broader hospitality industry as well as our colleagues at other institutions have experienced a major shift in business. What we all love to do is bring people together for a purpose through events. And we will continue to do so with virtual planning and hybrid meetings until we can come back to the traditional way of meeting with new guidelines.
Although this is not the message I imagines I would be writing this May (a month before what was to be our busiest summer on record), I take comfort in seeing all the incredible stories of people working together for the greater good during this crisis. The way the Yale community has come together to take care of one another has been truly inspirational.
We remain confident in our community’s ability to persevere in the face of this public health crisis. Please continue to take personal percautions and be kind to one another. Looking forward to seeing all of you, face to face, when the time comes.
Stay healthy and safe,