Multicultural Open House
Event Type:
Virtual Event
Event Description:
The Multicultural Open House is usually a one-day-event, allowing for prospective students to visit campus. This year, the open house was turned into a two-week online event providing students an opportunity to still experience Yale’s cultural centers, student groups, academic opportunities, and resource centers, through panels, performances, and showcases. This year’s Multicultural Open House included an open house hosted by each of Yale’s four cultural centers, a student performance group showcase, live remarks from Dean of Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid Jeremiah Quinlan, and a discussion of resources for first-generation and low-income students hosted by The Community Initiative. Due to the widespread availability of a virtual event, the 2020 Multicultural Open House nearly quadrupled the student attendance turnout from 2019.
Sunday, September 27, 2020 to Saturday, October 10, 2020
Yale Admissions Office
Point of Contact:
Moira Poe
YC&E Project Lead:
Megan Palluzzi
Scope of Work:
• Obtain webinar license and create link for 11 events
• Provide accurate staffing for each live event and provide an in depth run of show for involved key players to follow
• Record all live sessions
• Monitor participants and speakers throughout event (i.e. chat, muting/unmuting, timing, questions/comments)