Director’s Note
Hi Friends,
We may still see a few hazy days of summer, but the season of fall is now in full swing, with students back to school and an autumn chill in the air. With the holidays just around the corner, we are busy planning many events, including our 3rd annual “Holiday Stroll” (a holiday-themed tour of hotels in New Haven), exclusively for our Community of Learners for Event Professionals (COL). YC&E’s COL group brings together event planners across the university to share ideas, knowledge, and resources. For more information on COL and the Holiday Stroll on December 7th, visit the COL webpage.
The fall is also a busy time for staff retreats and professional development endeavors. According to a recent HBR article, on-the-job professional development is essential to “attracting and retaining talent” and is considered the number one way to improve company culture. YC&E will have our own all-staff retreat next month and we look forward to learning, growing, and having some fun!
While we are on the topic of employment, YC&E is hiring for a variety of new roles! See below for more information.
With best wishes,
Executive Director