Branford College in Autumn

Change can be Beautiful

October 2022 newsletter

Director’s Note

Hi Friends,

This time of the year in New Haven brings such beauty as the foliage paints the world around us in vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges. The changing of the leaves reminds us that change is inevitable and can be a beautiful thing. Yale Conferences & Events recently stepped away from our day-to-day tasks to connect with one another at our annual staff retreat. We celebrated the small wins and reflected on the changes we experienced in the previous year. Get a glimpse inside our staff retreat below. 

The leaves falling from the trees also show us how beautiful it can be to let things go. Enjoy the season and all the festivities that come with it! 

With best wishes,

Executive Director

Department Updates

Yale & Beyond

Event Planning Insights

One More Thing

Spooktacular Events

Celebrate the spookiest time of the year by checking out these local events! 

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