Director’s Note
Dear friends,
It’s with a touch of nostalgia that we bid farewell to the summer season. At YC&E, this summer was nothing short of extraordinary, with over 8,000 guests participating in on-campus summer programs over a mere 10 weeks.
This moment offers the perfect opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our invaluable campus partners. Long after the students departed in May, they dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to ensure a memorable summer experience for our guests. From dining hall workers and custodians to media service technicians, police officers, security personnel, and countless others, we extend our sincere thanks for making this summer a resounding success.
As we shift our focus to the excitement of fall, we welcome the buzz that accompanies a new school year. Within YC&E, a world of new opportunities awaits, including several job openings. We are excited about the continued growth of our team and hope you’ll be a part of it.
Let’s look ahead to the coming academic year with anticipation and enthusiasm. Wishing everyone a successful fall semester!
With warm regards,
Jen Zuccaro
Yale Conferences & Events