Special Announcement: Yale Conferences & Events and Yale Housing

Tuesday, April 11, 2023
We are pleased to share some exciting news about recent developments at Yale Conferences & Events (and beyond). Following the departure of our long-serving Executive Director in January, we saw an opportunity to restructure our department and redefine staff roles to reflect the considerable knowledge and accomplishments we have gained over the past three years.
We are delighted to introduce Jennifer Zuccaro as the new Director of YC&E! With over 12 years of experience in conference and event planning, Jennifer brings an impressive wealth of knowledge and expertise to her new leadership role.
Additionally, we are thrilled to announce the promotions of Tara McHugh and Shannon LeGault. Tara is being promoted to Associate Director of Program Operations, which will include Jennifer’s former responsibilities and a new Summer Programs Registration function.
Shannon will be taking on an expanded role as Associate Director for Events and Program Administration. Both Tara and Shannon have extensive experience, bringing a combined 30+ years of excellence to their new positions.
As if these changes weren’t exciting enough, we are proud to introduce a newly reorganized standalone Yale Housing unit with Nathan Lubich serving as the inaugural Director. Nathan brings 17 years of combined collegiate conference and event and collegiate housing operations experience to his new role. Yale Housing will bring together the teams supporting Yale College Housing, Summer Housing, and Graduate Housing to streamline housing operations and better serve the Yale community.
As part of this transition, Justin Thornton has been promoted into Nathan’s former role as Associate Director of Undergraduate Housing, while Caitlin Slattery has been promoted into a new role as Assistant Director of Undergraduate Housing.
Both Justin and Caitlin bring a wealth of experience in residential operations to their new roles.
We want to express our appreciation for our amazing team members, who have embraced their newly defined roles with energy and enthusiasm. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and look forward to seeing them lead with vision and excellence.
Last but not least, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve our valued clients and colleagues, and we remain committed to providing exceptional service and commitment as we move forward with these exciting changes!